Chapter 3 — Membership
Membership of Tax Tribunals
Section 26 – Members
40.This section provides that the First-tier Tribunal’s membership will be made up of ordinary and legal members. The Upper Tribunal will be made up of legal members and Court of Session judges. Schedule 2 provides further details about ordinary and legal members.
Judicial members
Section 27 – Judicial members
41.This section provides that a Court of Session judge may sit as a member of the Upper Tribunal if authorised to do so by the President of the Tax Tribunals. Such an authorisation would have to be approved by the Lord President and by the person involved.
Status and capacity
Section 28 – Status and capacity of members
42.This section provides for the members of the Tax Tribunals to have judicial status and capacity for the purpose of making a decision on any case before the Tax Tribunals.