132.Where a member’s period of appointment expires (or, in the case of a member who is transferred-in, the initial period of office expires), paragraph 4 provides for that person to be reappointed for a period of 5 years unless the member declines to be reappointed, is no longer eligible for reappointment or the President of Tribunals has recommended to the Scottish Ministers that the member should not be reappointed. Paragraph 5 also requires the member to meet the eligibility criteria set out in schedule 3 or 5 as if that person was being appointed to the position for the first time.
133.Paragraph 6 sets out the bases on which the President of Tribunals can recommend to the Scottish Ministers that a member should not be reappointed.
134.Paragraph 7 clarifies that the re-appointment of a member is not subject to the same process as the initial appointment as set out in section 10(2A) of the Judiciary and Courts (Scotland) Act 2008. The act of re-appointing a member is, therefore, for the Scottish Ministers alone.