Section 2 – Co-opted members of council
14.Section 2 of the Act addresses the issue of co-opted members of the council (co-opted trustees) and substitutes a new section 20 of the 1935 Order.
15.Section 20(1) and (3) are restatements of the existing position but the opportunity has been taken to clarify and update the drafting in the 1935 Order. No change is made to the maximum permitted number of co-opted trustees.
16.Section 20(2) extends the maximum permitted period of office to four years, which is in alignment with the term that elected members of council serve at present.
17.Section 20(4) allows the council to set eligibility criteria for co-opted trustees if they wish to seek either further co-option or election. This allows this matter to be dealt with in the same way as the setting of criteria for elected trustees.