Explanatory Notes

Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise) Act 2013

2013 asp 13

7 August 2013

Background to the Act

Table of Provisions

67.The following table takes some of the main areas that the Act covers and shows the relationship between those elements of the Act, provisions applied from the 1983 Act and provisions applied from the Representation of the People (Scotland) Regulations 2001. Some provisions relate to more than one subject; not all provisions are covered.

Subject MatterSection of ActSection of 1983 ActRegulations from 2001 Regulations
Franchise2, 3, 5, 12
Maintenance of RYV4, 129a, 10a, 13a, 13b4, 23, 24, 31c, 31d, 31e, 31f, 32a, 40, 41
Applications to RYV135, 6, 26, 29, 30, 31, 31a, 37
Objections to applications6, 27, 29, 30, 31, 31a
Declarations of local connection7, 127b, 7c3, 40
Conduct of canvass8, Schedule 210
Disclosure of RYV entries926, 27, 31e, 36
ERO duties and expenses109A, 10, 52, 6324, 30, 31, 31b, 35, 36a, 37, 45b, 45c, 45f
Anonymous registration in RYV129b, 9c3, 31g, 31h, 31i, 31j, 41a, 45a, 45b, 45c, 45f
Residence5, 6, 7, 7a, 7b, 7c31B
Offences13D, 62, 6311, 23, 115
Service qualifications14, 15, 16, 17, 5914, 15, 16, 17, 40
Registration appealsSchedule 1 Part 313A, 56, 5732