SCHEDULE 4Transitional provisions

20Bijural inaccuracies

Except that—


compensation is not so payable in so far as, had the Keeper rectified the inaccuracy before the designated day, either a right to indemnity under section 12 of the 1979 Act (indemnity in respect of loss) was excluded by virtue of subsection (2) of that section or there would, by virtue of subsection (3) of that section, have been no entitlement to such indemnity,


any compensation so payable is to be reduced to the extent that, had the Keeper rectified the inaccuracy before the designated day, the amount of any indemnity would have been reduced by virtue of section 13(4) of that Act (reduction proportionate to the extent to which a claimant has contributed, by fraudulent or careless act or omission, to loss), and


in construing Part 7 for the purposes of paragraph 19, paragraphs (b) and (c) of section 78 are to be disregarded.