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Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012

Schedule 5: Minor and consequential modifications


281.This schedule makes minor and consequential changes. Most of the changes are either consequential on the repeal of parts of the Land Registration (Scotland) Act 1979 and its replacement with the Act or consequential on the amendments to the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 and the extension of the means of documents being self-proving from requiring to be “subscribed” (which is a paper only process) to also being capable of being “authenticated” (that is, authenticated as valid electronic documents in accordance with regulations made under the 1995 Act).

Paragraph 1 - Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1845

282.This amends the note about mode of execution under the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 to take account of documents in electronic form.

Paragraph 2 - Commissioners Clauses Act 1847

283.Subparagraph (2) amends the 1847 Act to take account of the extension of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 to documents in electronic form. Subparagraph (3) replaces the specific reference to the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 with a more general reference to the Act.

Paragraph 3 - Ordnance Board Transfer Act 1855

284.This paragraph amends section 5(2) of the 1855 Act to take account of the extension of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 to documents in electronic form.

Paragraph 4 - Transmission of Moveable Property (Scotland) Act 1862

285.This amends the Schedules to the 1862 Act to take account of documents in electronic form under the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.

Paragraph 5 - Land Registers (Scotland) Act 1868 (c.64)

286.The effect of this amendment is to make clear that the provisions of the 1868 Act which are referred to do not apply to the Land Register.

Paragraph 6 - Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1868

287.Subparagraphs (2) and (3), which are about litigiosity, are disapplied in relation to the Land Register. The reason is that the situations they deal with will be dealt with by caveats.

288.Subparagraph (4) amends the form in Schedule B to the 1868 Act to take account of documents in electronic form under the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.

Paragraph 7 - Conveyancing (Scotland) Act 1874

289.Subparagraph (2) amends the note about mode of execution in Schedule M to the 1874 Act to take account of documents in electronic form under the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.

Paragraph 8 - Trusts (Scotland) Act 1921

290.Subparagraphs (2) and (3) amend the notes about mode of execution in the Schedules to the 1921 Act to take account of documents in electronic form under the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.

Paragraph 9 - Conveyancing (Scotland) Act 1924

291.Subparagraph (2) adds a reference to the Land Register of Scotland to section 2(5).

292.Subparagraph (3) is consequential on the repeal of schedule K by the Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 schedule 13(1) paragraph 1.

293.Subparagraph (4) is similar to the provisions in paragraph 6(2) and (3) above concerning the Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1868. It disapplies the provisions of the 1924 Act in relation to the Land Register, because the matters in question will be dealt with by the caveat procedure.

294.Subparagraph (5) amends schedule B to take account of documents in electronic form under the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.

Paragraph 10 - Burgh Registers (Scotland) Act 1926

295.This paragraph is self-explanatory.

Paragraph 11 - Public Registers and Records (Scotland) Act 1948

296.This paragraph repeals a power to prescribe the forms of documents in the Sasines register made redundant by the Act.

Paragraph 12 - Land Drainage (Scotland) Act 1958

297.This paragraph amends the definition of long lease by adding a reference to the Land Register.

Paragraph 13 - Harbours Act 1964

298.This paragraph amends the definition of long lease by adding a reference to the Land Register.

Paragraph 14 - Succession (Scotland) Act 1964

299.This amendment is consequential on the changes made to the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995. The reference to section 4 is replaced by a reference to the equivalent provision in the 1995 Act as amended.

Paragraph 15 - Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965

300.Subparagraphs (2) and (3) amend the sections mentioned to take account of the extension of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 to documents in electronic form.

301.Subparagraphs (4) and (5) amend the notes about mode of execution under the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 to take account of documents in electronic form.

Paragraph 16 - Gas Act 1965

302.This paragraph amends the definition of long lease by adding a reference to the Land Register.

Paragraph 17 - Conveyancing and Feudal Reform (Scotland) Act 1970

303.The 1970 Act was not amended by the 1979 Act so as to take account of the introduction of the Land Register. The 1970 Act was instead subject to the "translation" provision in section 29(2) of the 1979 Act under which references to the Register of Sasines and the recording of deeds in that register were deemed to be references to the Land Register or registration. This approach has not made the 1970 Act easy to understand. The majority of amendments in this paragraph are designed to add references (where appropriate) to the Land Register.

304.The amendment to section 28(5) updates the means of describing the security subjects in a decree of foreclosure following the partial repeal of the 1979 Act.

305.The notes that are found in various schedules about mode of execution under the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 are amended to take account of documents in electronic form.

Paragraph 18 - Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973

306.Subparagraph (2) saves and consequently amends section 1 of the 1973 Act.

307.Subparagraph (3)(a) and (b) amend section 2 of the 1973 Act by adding references to registration in the Land Register.

308.Subparagraph (3)(c) updates the references in section 2 to section 3(3) of the 1979 Act. The new sections 20B and 20C of the 1857 Act replace section 3(3) in relation to leases.

309.Subparagraph (4) inserts a new section 1A into the 1973 Act clarifying the effect of prescription on a right which was previously void (as opposed to voidable).

310.Subparagraph (5) adds a reference to registration in the Land Register to the end of section 15(1) of the 1973 Act.

311.Subparagraphs (6) and (7) make changes to schedule 1 of the 1973 Act to implement the policy that the period of negative prescription should be five years for claims against the Keeper where the Register has been rectified in favour of the claimant and twenty years for claims against the Keeper arising out of breach of warranty or from the operation of the realignment principle.

312.Subparagraph (8) amends schedule 3 to the 1973 Act by adding the obligation of the Keeper to rectify an inaccuracy to the list of imprescriptible rights and obligations.

Paragraph 19 - Land Registration (Scotland) Act 1979

313.This paragraph specifies the technical changes that constitute the partial repeal of the 1979 Act.

Paragraph 20 - Education (Scotland) Act 1980

314.This paragraph amends section 16(2) of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 to take account of the fact that as from the designated day it will not be possible to record a disposition in the Register of Sasines.

Paragraph 21 - Water (Scotland) Act 1980

315.Subparagraphs (2), (3) and (4) amend the provisions referred to by adding a reference to registration in the Land Register.

316.Subparagraph (5) is self-explanatory.

Paragraph 22 - Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Act 1981

317.This paragraph replaces the reference to the 1979 Act with a reference to the equivalent provision in the Act.

Paragraph 23 - Civil Aviation Act 1982

318.This paragraph simplifies and updates the provisions referred to following the partial repeal of the 1979 Act.

Paragraph 24 - Litter Act 1983

319.This paragraph simplifies and updates section 8 of the 1983 Act following the partial repeal of the 1979 Act.

Paragraph 25 - Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudications Act 1983

320.This paragraph replaces the reference to the 1979 Act with a reference to the Act.

Paragraph 26 - Telecommunications Act 1984

321.This paragraph, which amended the 1979 Act, is to be repealed following the partial repeal of that Act.

Paragraph 27 - Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984

322.This paragraph, which amended the 1979 Act, can be repealed following the partial repeal of that Act.

Paragraph 28 - Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985

323.Subparagraph (2) replaces a reference to the 1979 Act with a reference to the equivalent provisions in the Act.

Paragraph 29 - Housing Associations Act 1985

324.This paragraph adds a reference to registration in the Land Register into the 1985 Act.

Paragraph 30 - Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1985

325.This paragraph disapplies section 8(7) of the 1985 Act to the Land Register. The reason is that the matter will be covered by the caveat procedure in relation to property in the Land Register.

Paragraph 31 - Electricity Act 1989

326.This paragraph is self-explanatory.

Paragraph 32 - Property Misdescriptions Act 1991

327.This paragraph replaces the reference to interest in land, which is the language of the 1979 Act, with a reference to right in land, which is the language of the Act.

Paragraph 33 - Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1991

328.This amendment adds a reference to registration following the amendment of the 1857 Act to include references to registration in the Land Register.

Paragraph 34 - Coal Industry Act 1994

329.This repeals paragraph 20 of the 1994 Act, which inserted an overriding interest relating to the Coal Authority into the Land Registration (Scotland) Act 1979.

Paragraph 35 - Land Registers (Scotland) Act 1995

330.This paragraph amends the 1995 Act to reference the new fee power contained within the Act.

Paragraph 36 - Petroleum Act 1998

331.This paragraph amends section 5(9) to take account of the extension of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 to documents in electronic form.

Paragraph 37 - Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000

332.Section 25 of the 1868 Act is repealed and replaced by section 110 of the Act. This paragraph makes the necessary consequential change to the 2000 Act.

Paragraph 38 - Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000

333.Under the new scheme, there will be no land certificates or office copies but there will be extracts. Subparagraphs (2) and (3) make the necessary changes to the sections mentioned.

334.Subparagraph (4) amends the provisions mentioned to take account of the partial repeal of the 1979 Act. In future, it will not be possible to register an event or death directly in the Land Register. Registration will have to proceed on the basis of a deed such as an interlocutor.

Paragraph 39 - Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000

335.Subparagraph (3) replaces the reference to the 1979 Act with a reference to the equivalent provision in the Act.

336.Subparagraph (5) replaces the reference to interest in land with a reference to right in land. The amendment also reflects the fact that under the new scheme registration requires to proceed on the basis of a deed.

337.Subparagraph (8) amends section 73 so as to apply the translation provisions to extracts and certified copies issued under the Act.

Paragraph 40 - Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc.  Act 2000

338.This paragraph replaces the reference to interests in land, which is the language of the 1979 Act, with a reference to rights in land, which is the language of the Act.

Paragraph 41 - National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000

339.This paragraph replaces the references to interest in land, which is the language of the 1979 Act, with a reference to right in land, which is the language of the Act.

Paragraph 42 - Housing (Scotland) Act 2001

340.This paragraph amends the two sections mentioned to take account of the extension of the 1995 Act to documents in electronic form.

Paragraph 43 - Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003

341.Subparagraphs (3) and (5) replace the reference to the 1979 Act with a reference to the equivalent provision of the Act. Subparagraph (3) also makes a consequential amendment to section 60 following the repeal of section 15(3) of the 1979 Act.

342.Subparagraph (9) amends section 84(2) to take account of the extension of the 1995 Act to documents in electronic form.

343.Subparagraph (11) makes clear that in the case of a notice of title if a title condition is set out in a midcouple then the midcouple and the notice of title together are to be treated as the constitutive deed.

344.Subparagraph (11) also makes a consequential change to take account of the new title of section 3 of the 1857 Act.

Paragraph 44 - Civil Partnership Act 2004

345.This paragraph replaces the references to the 1979 Act with references to the equivalent provisions in the Act.

Paragraph 45 - Stirling-Alloa-Kincardine Railway and Linked Improvements Act 2004

346.This paragraph removes the references to the 1979 Act and clarifies the meaning of subsection (3).

Paragraph 46 - Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004

347.The 1979 Act referred to interests in land. The Act does not use that concept. Subparagraphs (2) and (3) make the necessary consequential changes.

Paragraph 47 - Edinburgh Tram (Line Two) Act 2006

348.This paragraph removes the references to the 1979 Act and clarifies the meaning of subsection (5).

Paragraph 48 - Edinburgh Tram (Line One) Act 2006

349.This paragraph removes the references to the 1979 Act and clarifies the meaning of subsection (5).

Paragraph 49 - Waverley Railway (Scotland) Act 2006

350.This paragraph removes the references to the 1979 Act and clarifies the meaning of subsection (3).

Paragraph 50 - Companies Act 2006

351.Subparagraphs (2) and (3) amend the provisions mentioned to take account of the extension of the 1995 Act to documents in electronic form.

352.Subparagraph (4) substitutes a reference to the 1979 Act with a reference to the Act.

Paragraph 51 - Glasgow Airport Rail Link Act 2007

353.This paragraph removes the references to the 1979 Act and clarifies the meaning of subsection (3).

Paragraph 52 - Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007

354.Subparagraph (2) amends the new section 13A of the 1970 Act.

355.Subparagraph (3) replaces the reference to the 1979 Act with a reference to the equivalent provision in the Act.

Paragraph 53 - Edinburgh Airport Rail Link Act 2007

356.Subparagraph (2) replaces a reference to the 1979 Act with a reference to the equivalent provision in the Act.

357.Subparagraph (3) removes a reference to the 1979 Act and clarifies the meaning of subsection (6).

Paragraph 54 - Airdrie-Bathgate Railway and Linked Improvements Act 2007

358.Subparagraph (2) replaces a reference to the 1979 Act with a reference to the equivalent provision in the Act.

359.Subparagraph (3) removes a reference to the 1979 Act and clarifies the meaning of subsection (6).

Paragraph 55 - Energy Act 2008

360.This paragraph amends section 77(7) to take account of the extension of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 to documents in electronic form.

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