Section 53: Completion of title
148.This section amends the Conveyancing (Scotland) Act 1924 to allow people to use a notice of title to complete an uncompleted title. Under current law, the use of a notice of title is only permitted in the General Register of Sasines.
149.Subsections (2) and (3) provide that an unregistered proprietor of an unregistered property has a choice of methods of completing title. That person is either to record a notice of title in the General Register of Sasines or register a notice of title in the Land Register. The exception to this rule is that where the last recorded title is not in the General Register of Sasines (for example if the property is in a Burgh Register of Sasines or is a pre-1617 title), the effect of subsection (2)(a) is that the option of recording a notice of title in the General Register of Sasines does not apply and the notice must be registered in the Land Register.
150.Subsection (4) is a power to prescribe the forms in relation to completion of title by order. Subsection (5) provides, for Land Register cases, a simplified style of notice (the statutory styles for use in the General Register of Sasines are not altered).