Further provision
Section 46: Applications relating to compulsory acquisition
131.This section makes provision for conveyances as provided for by enactment, notarial instruments and general vesting declarations to be treated as dispositions for the purposes of sections 21, 23, 30 and 48.
Section 47: Effect of death or dissolution
132.Subsection (1) provides that an application falls to be rejected if the applicant dies (or if a legal person such as a company is dissolved) before the application date under section 36, but can be accepted if the applicant dies or is dissolved while the Keeper’s decision as to whether to accept or reject the application is pending.
133.Subsection (2) clarifies that if the granter of a deed dies or is dissolved after delivering the deed to the grantee, an application to register such a deed will not be incompetent for this reason.
Section 48: Closure of Register of Sasines etc.
134.This section provides for the phased closure of the General Register of Sasines.
135.Subsection (1)(a) provides that the recording of a disposition in the General Register of Sasines will cease to be effective. In practice, this will mean that in order for ownership to transfer, the disposition will require to be registered in the Land Register. Subsection (1)(a) is subject to the special case of title conditions. It may be necessary to record a disposition in the General Register of Sasines to meet the requirement of "dual registration" as provided for in section 4 of the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003 (the 2003 Act) in respect of real burdens or in section 75 of the 2003 Act in respect of servitudes. This special case is set out in subsection (6). Subsection (1)(d) provides that once a plot of land is registered in the Land Register, nothing in relation to that land can be recorded in the General Register of Sasines.
136.Subsections 1(b) and (c) provide that leases, (“lease” is defined as including sub-lease in section 113(1)) and assignations of leases cannot be recorded in the General Register of Sasines. This will induce first registration in the Land Register of the underlying plot of land.
137.Subsection (2) provides a power for the Scottish Ministers by order to close the General Register of Sasines to standard securities. This would mean a property would need to be registered in the Land Register before a new standard security could be registered, allowing the creditor to obtain a real right.
138.Subsections (3) and (4) provide a similar power to close the General Register of Sasines completely and a corresponding power to register any deeds that could be recorded in that register in the Land Register instead.
139.Subsection (9) allows an order closing the General Register of Sasines under subsections (2) or (3) to apply on an area-by-area basis.
140.Subsection (10) provides that, before an order is made under subsection (2) or (3), the Scottish Ministers must consult the Keeper and any other persons that appear to have an interest in the closure of the Register of Sasines to the recording of deeds.