Paragraph 6 – Chief executive and other staff
67.The most senior member of staff of NLS under the 1925 Act is the National Librarian. This post is to be known as chief executive and the first chief executive is to be the Librarian in post immediately before paragraph 6 comes into force (see subparagraphs (1) to (4)). Subsequent chief executives are to be employed, with the approval of the Scottish Ministers, on terms and conditions determined by NLS and approved by Ministers (see sub-paragraph (5)). The chief executive may not be a member of NLS (see sub-paragraph (2)).
68.NLS may appoint employees on terms and conditions determined by NLS and approved by the Scottish Ministers (see sub-paragraphs (6) and (7)). The existing staff of NLS will continue in post under their existing terms and conditions.
69.Sub-paragraphs (8) and (9) give NLS power to arrange, with the approval of the Scottish Ministers, for pensions, allowances or gratuities for its staff.