
Part 1Works

5Bridge marking and lighting

(1)Ministers must—

(a)ensure that the Forth Crossing is adequately marked and lit—

(i)during construction, and

(ii)at all times after construction,

(b)maintain the marking and lighting in good working condition (for example, by acting as soon as reasonably practical to rectify any defects or failures which cause the marking and lighting to fall below that standard), and

(c)immediately notify the airport operator of Edinburgh Airport of any defect or failure in the marking or lighting which cause it to fall below that standard.

(2)Ministers must consult the airport operator of Edinburgh Airport on the marking and lighting of the Forth Crossing—

(a)before construction of the Forth Crossing begins,

(b)immediately after construction of the Forth Crossing is complete,

(c)before any of the marking or lighting is renewed or replaced (except where done so as an urgent repair or in accordance with routine maintenance), and

(d)at other times as they think fit.

(3)Ministers must comply with any reasonable request notified to them by the airport operator of Edinburgh Airport which—

(a)concerns the marking and lighting of the Forth Crossing,

(b)is made in order to discharge an obligation on the operator which—

(i)concerns aviation security and safety, and

(ii)arises by virtue of any enactment,

(c)specifies the enactment and any other relevant material by virtue of which the obligation arises, and

(d)is not inconsistent with any other obligation on Ministers under any enactment.