Implementation of compulsory supervision orders: annual report
Section 181 - Implementation of compulsory supervision orders: annual report
263.This section places a duty on the National Convener to prepare a report about the implementation of compulsory supervision orders during the preceding financial year for submission by Ministers to Parliament. This report must also be provided by the National Convener to all panel members. The report must include details of implementation across Scotland and on a local authority basis. Subsection (4) provides that for the purposes of preparing the report the National Convener may require each local authority to provide information about the number of compulsory supervision orders for which they are the implementation authority, changes of circumstances giving rise to the orders and the ways in which the overall wellbeing of children who are subject to the orders has been affected by them. The National Convener may also require other information relating to the implementation of orders. Subsection (5) ensures the information is presented in an anonymised and aggregated basis by making clear that it must not identify or enable the identification of any particular child.