Section 137 – Duty to arrange children’s hearing
198.This section applies where a compulsory supervision order is in force in relation to the child and a review of the order is required under the sections of the Act set out in subsection (1). Subsection (2) provides that the Principal Reporter must arrange such a hearing. Subsection (3) provides that where a child is transferred as a matter of urgent necessity under section 143(2), the child’s case must be reviewed by the Children’s Hearing within three working days of the transfer. Subsection (4) places a duty on the reporter to require the implementation authority to provide reports in relation to the child or any other information in relation to the child that the local authority wishes to give to the Children’s Hearing to assist in the hearing’s review of the compulsory supervision order. The reporter must require the information when arranging every review hearing. Subsection (5) provides a power for the reporter to require the local authority to provide a report in relation to the child generally or in relation to any matter relating to the child that the reporter specifies. Subsection (6) makes clear that the local authority may include in the reports required under this section information given to the authority by another person.