
Part 6Conservation of seals

Seal licences

113Seal licence reports

(1)A person to whom a seal licence is granted must send a seal licence report to the Scottish Ministers within 10 days of the end of each reporting period.

(2)A seal licence report is a report which—

(a)states how many seals have, during the reporting period concerned, been—

(i)killed in accordance with the seal licence,

(ii)taken in accordance with the seal licence,

(iii)killed when attempting to take them in accordance with the seal licence,

(iv)injured when attempting to kill or take them in accordance with the seal licence, or

(b)where no seals have been so killed, taken or injured during the reporting period concerned, states that fact.

(3)A reporting period is—

(a)in the case of a seal licence which has effect for 3 months or longer—

(i)each period of 3 months following the granting of the seal licence, and

(ii)any shorter period beginning at the end of such a 3 month period and ending when the seal licence is revoked or otherwise ceases to have effect,

(b)in the case of a seal licence which has effect for fewer than 3 months, the period for which the seal licence has effect.

(4)Failure, without reasonable excuse, to send a seal licence report in accordance with subsection (1) is an offence.