Saving provision (paragraphs 5 & 6)
99.Notwithstanding paragraph 1(2) (which repeals sections 22A and 22B of the 1980 Act), paragraph 5 of schedule 3 “saves” both these sections, and the 1981 Regulations, to the extent that they are required for the purposes of the transitional and transitory provisions in paragraphs 3 and 4 of schedule 3. Sections 22A and 22B and the 1981 Regulations continue to operate, to the extent required, as they did immediately before the commencement of the Act until all the transitional proposals and consultations have reached their conclusion. This conclusion is either authorities reaching their final decisions (for non-referable proposals under section 22A) or the Scottish Ministers having reached their decision on whether or not to grant consent in respect of any outstanding referrals (under section 22B and schedule 2 to the 1981 Regulations).
100.Paragraph 6 of schedule 3 defines “proceeding with the proposal” for the purposes of schedule 3 and makes full reference to the 1981 Regulations.