19.Section 6(2) inserts a new paragraph 9A into schedule 3 to the 2005 Act to impose a further mandatory condition in premises licences. That condition is that there must be an age verification policy in relation to the sale of alcohol on the premises. Many premises already operate “Challenge 21” or “Think 25” policies (where a retailer will ask for age verification from a person who looks under 21 or 25 years of age respectively for the purposes of verifying that the person is at least 18 years of age). This section requires that all premises have an age verification policy with the age set at a minimum of 25. Under this provision, the retailer would still be able to operate an age verification policy that operates at a higher age, for example, 30. The condition does not apply to premises which are, for example, used only to despatch alcohol such as a warehouse used to service internet sales (section 139 of the 2005 Act makes provision in respect of remote sales of alcohol, for example internet sales).
20.Section 6(3) makes the same provision in respect of occasional licenses granted under the 2005 Act.