Implementing the proposals
102.Once agreed the proposals are binding on the regulator, the registered social landlord, the RSL’s secured and unsecured creditors and any liquidator, administrator or receiver appointed in respect of the RSL’s land (section 84). The RSL’s officers must co-operate in implementing the proposals but they are not required or allowed to do anything in breach of their duty as a trustee or other duty owed by them (section 84(2)).
103.The regulator must appoint a manager to implement the agreed proposals if these provide for such an appointment (section 85). The manager can do anything that is needed to implement the proposals and a number of specific powers are set out in section 86. A manager must, so far as practicable, consult a registered social landlord’s tenants on anything likely to affect them and explain the effect such a thing is likely to have.
104.A manager appointed to a registered social landlord that is a registered society is also able to transfer the engagements of that RSL to, or amalgamate it with, another RSL that is a registered society (section 87).
105.Section 88 provides that the regulator may give financial or other assistance to the landlord to preserve its position while proposals are being designed and agreed, and to an officer of a registered social landlord or a manager appointed to implement the agreed proposals. The regulator may, in particular, lend staff and arrange payment of a manager’s remuneration and expenses. But the regulator cannot pay grants, make loans, indemnify an officer or manager, make payments or give guarantees connected with loans without the consent of the Scottish Ministers.
106.Section 89 applies where the RSL or any creditor applies to the Court of Session on the basis that they believe the manager is not acting within the agreed proposals. If it finds that this is the case then the Court has the power to confirm, modify or reduce any decision or other act of the manager, give directions to the manager or make any other order it sees as necessary.
107.Section 90 allows anyone bound by the agreed proposals to apply to the Court of Session if he or she believes another person who is also bound by them is not acting in accordance with them. The Court can then confirm, modify or declare the action ineffective; or make any order it thinks appropriate by way of interdict, award of damages or otherwise.