Enforcement notices
68.Section 56 allows the regulator to serve an enforcement notice on a social landlord if it considers that the social landlord is, or is at risk of, failing to achieve a standard or an outcome set in the Scottish Social Housing Charter, meet a performance improvement target, financial management or governance target, or implement an approved performance improvement plan. The regulator may also serve an enforcement notice if it considers that:
there has been misconduct or mismanagement in an RSL’s affairs;
a social landlord’s tenants’ interests need to be protected;
an RSL’s assets need protection;
an RSL’s financial viability is at risk; or
any other conduct of a social landlord justifies the notice.
69.The enforcement notice requires the landlord to take action to put right or avoid a failure or other problem, or to protect its tenants or assets. The regulator must publish the notice and send a copy to any registered tenants organisation associated with the social landlord.