Section 137 – Suspension from practice
278.Section 137(1) amends section 18 of the 1980 Act to allow the Council of the Society to suspend a solicitor’s practising certificate if that solicitor has been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or, following a conviction, has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 12 months or more or been fined an amount equivalent to level 4 on the standard scale or more. Subsection (3) makes similar provision in section 24F of the 1980 Act to allow the Council of the Society to suspend a registered European lawyer in the same circumstances.
279.Section 137(2) and (4) of the Act inserts new subsections into sections 19 and 24G of the 1980 Act that require a solicitor or registered European lawyer to notify the Council when:
their practising/registration certificate, which had ceased to have effect because they have been detained under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 or a guardian is appointed under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000, comes back into effect again on their discharge;
their practising/registration certificate, which had ceased to have effect because a judicial factor had been appointed on their estate under section 41 of the 1980 Act comes back into effect again on the judicial factor being granted his discharge.