Section 91 – Approving bodiesSection 92 – Certification of bodies
190.Approving bodies are able to authorise individuals to provide confirmation services, and are responsible for regulating those individuals which they have so authorised (see section 75).
191.These sections set out the process and criteria for becoming an approving body of confirmation agents. Section 91 covers the requirements of the application to the Scottish Ministers, which must include (among other things) the applicant’s proposed regulatory scheme. Section 92 sets out the conditions which must be met before the Scottish Ministers can certify a body as an approving body. This certification may be subject to conditions which the Scottish Ministers may vary by addition or deletion after consultation with the approving body.
192.The Scottish Ministers have a regulation making power (under section 91(6)) to prescribe fees that they may charge applicants for the position of approving body.
193.The Scottish Ministers also have the power (under section 92(8)) to make regulations regarding the application process and, in relation to their capability to act as an approving body, the criteria for certification. This power may be used to set out the application process in more detail.