Section 69 – Inability to operate
151.This section covers certain situations (as described in subsection (1)) where the approved regulator must revoke a licensed provider’s licence, unless the approved regulator is satisfied that the conditions described in subsection (3) are met. These are situations where the licensed provider does not meet the eligibility criteria in sections 48 or 49, or the business is in the process of being wound up, or does not have someone who can be a Head of Legal Services or Head of Practice, or for some other reason a licensed provider stops providing legal services. In such circumstances, the licensed provider must notify its approved regulator without delay, and within 7 days.
152.Unless the situation is temporary and there are sufficient arrangements in place to safeguard the interests of clients, a licence will be revoked. In temporary situations, the approved regulator can allow the licensed provider to continue to operate or suspend its licence as it considers appropriate. The situation must be reviewed every 14 days (or more frequently) to ensure that a decision on whether or not to revoke the licensed provider’s licence is made promptly to minimise the period of uncertainty for the licensed provider’s clients.