Section 67 – More about investors
146.Section 67 introduces schedule 8 which contains more provision about non-solicitor investors. Subsection (2) gives the Scottish Ministers power to make further provision by regulations in relation to interests in licensed providers and to make licensing rules in relation to persons with such interests.
147.Subsection (3) gives the Scottish Ministers further regulation making powers, with the agreement of the Lord President, to amend the percentage threshold for exemption from the fitness for involvement test in section 63(4) and the notification requirements in paragraph 3(4) of schedule 8, and to amend a definition in subsection (6)
148.Subsection (4)(c) extends the Scottish Ministers’ regulation making powers to consideration of what counts as an interest or stake in a licensed provider including further provision about family, business, and other associates and (4)(d) allows regulations to include further provision setting out, where a body holds an interest in a licensed provider, what interest in the body counts towards an interest held by it in the licensed provider and the extent to which that interest so counts.
149.Subsection (6) defines an “investor” and a “non-solicitor investor” in a licensed provider.