Section 10: Completion of registration: further provision on first registrations
30.Section 10 applies to the first registration of a croft that is not a new croft or a croft which is first registered as a result of the preparation of a reorganisation scheme (because in those cases it is not possible to challenge the first registration of the croft under section 14). It applies where there has been no challenge to the first registration under section 14, or any challenge has been unsuccessful or led to the entry in the Register for the croft being modified but not removed.
31.Subsection (2) states that the Keeper is required to amend the registration schedule if necessary and make any necessary consequential adjustments to the Register.
32.Under subsection (3) the Keeper is required to amend the Register in the event that a regulatory application that triggered a requirement to register the croft is granted. For example, where a regulatory application to enlarge a croft has been agreed, then the Register will be amended accordingly. Applicants applying for a regulatory application relating to enlargement, exchange, assignation, resumption, consent to letting or apportionment of a common grazing, must notify the Commission within three months of the application being granted that the change to the croft has taken effect. If the Commission is not notified within the necessary timescale, the regulatory activity will be deemed not to have taken effect. Once the Commission are notified they must notify the Keeper to enable the Keeper to update the registration details for that croft. When the regulatory application is for division or decrofting, the Commission will notify the Keeper that the application has been granted and the Keeper will amend the Register. Where the application is to decroft and the crofter intends to acquire the land, the crofter must notify the Commission when the land has been acquired. The Commission will then notify the Keeper that the land has been acquired, and the Keeper will amend the Register, without the need for a separate application for registration in each case.