Arbitration (Scotland) ACT 2010 Explanatory Notes

Rule 71 – Challenging an award: supplementary Mandatory

236.Rule 71 is a mandatory rule setting out a number of conditions which are intended to discourage frivolous applications and appeals. Appeals must be made within 28 days of the award (or any correction or appeal), after exhausting other avenues of appeal or review. Leave to appeal against a decision of the Outer House must be made within 28 days of that decision and that leave to appeal, if granted, expires after 7 days. The rule also sets out further provision about the handling of appeals including appeals to the Inner House against decisions of the Outer House in relation to the supplementary powers of the court on hearing arbitral appeals in rule 71(7) to (11), including in subsection (9) to cater for arbitration agreements which provide that no action is to be brought on a contract until an arbitration award has been made. The Inner House has power when hearing appeals to make the same orders and other decisions as the Outer House. The same appeal rules and restrictions apply to the supplementary powers of the court on appeal as to the main appeal decisions.

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