Rule 12 – Removal of arbitrator by court Mandatory
122.Rule 12 makes mandatory provision for removal of an arbitrator or umpire by the court because of lack of impartiality, independence, fairness or lack of qualifications, as opposed to by the parties and any other arbitrators or umpires on application by any party. The court can also judge under rule 12(c) that the arbitrator is incapable (or there are doubts about capacity) of acting, which includes the eligibility requirement on capability in rule 4 - someone may be capable under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 (asp 4), but may still be incapable of acting as an arbitrator under this provision.
123.Rule 12(e) allows individual arbitrators to be challenged on grounds of failure to conduct the arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement (subject to any contrary mandatory rule) where there has been or will be substantial injustice caused to a party. The “substantial injustice” test means that minor procedural breaches will not permit removal or dismissal or challenge of an award. This will, for example, cover failure to take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised disclosure of confidential information under rule 26(2) – if that default rule applies - only if any breach of confidence has caused substantial injustice.