Rule 88: Buying added years by lump sum
350.A participating member may also - or alternatively - buy added years at any time by applying to the Fund trustees and making a lump sum payment. Rule 88 sets out the rules for buying and paying by a lump sum.
351.Rule 88(1) sets out four conditions which must be met before the Fund trustees can accept an application. These conditions are the same as conditions 1, 3, 4 and 5 of rule 85(1) (see paragraphs 336-340). The one exception is that for lump sum applications the age restrictions on condition 2 of rule 85(1) do not apply in recognition that purchase will be by a single payment.
352.Rule 88(2) requires that a participating member has to pay the relevant lump sum within six months of the date of acceptance by the Fund trustees of the application. If, after an application has been agreed by Fund trustees, the payment is not received on time, the application to buy the added years becomes invalid.
353.The amount to be paid, as described in rule 88(3) and (4), is calculated by the Fund trustees and must be certified by the scheme actuary or made in accordance with any guidance or tables produced by the scheme actuary.
354.When the lump sum has been paid, as set out in rule 88(5), the participating member’s period of service will be increased by the number of added years just bought. Rule 88(5) goes on to clarify that if the participating member has bought added years in their capacity as an MSP, then it is the number of years in that post that is increased. If the participating member has bought added years in their capacity as an office-holder, then it is the number of years in that post that is increased.
355.Rule 88(6) requires the purchase of added years to be calculated with reference to the higher (1/40ths) accrual rate.
356.Rule 88(7) specifies that, for a participating member who is an office-holder but not an MSP, the extra years bought are added to reckonable service in that office held when purchase is being made. (Rule 39(3) allows for separate calculations for different offices held.)