Section 11: Making or refusal of orders under section 1
36.Subsection (1) provides for the circumstances to which this section relates namely when an application for an order has been made or there has been a proposal for an order without an application having been made.
37.Subsection (2) provides the power to make an order with or without modifications or not to make an order. Subsection (3) allows the Scottish Ministers not to make an order if they believe that there is another means by which the object of the order could be achieved. It is permissible under subsection (4) for the Scottish Ministers to make a determination to proceed with certain elements of a proposal whilst making a separate determination in respect of, or deferring consideration of, other matters within the application.
38.In those instances when the Scottish Ministers propose to make substantial modifications to an applicant’s proposal the Scottish Ministers are, under subsection (5), under a duty to notify any person who is likely to be affected, to give that person a chance to make representations and to consider those representations.
39.Subsection (6) ensures that any order that is not subject to Parliamentary scrutiny comes into force when notice of the determination is published in the Edinburgh Gazette unless the order provides for a later date for its coming into force.