Section 35: Public notification
156.This section inserts new section 55A into the 1993 Act and describes what constitutes public notification for the purposes of the Act where such notification is required by the Act. (Public notification is required for example by new sections 58A(3) of the 1993 Act inserted by section 3 of the Act and new section 19A(6) of the 1993 Act inserted by section 30 of the Act). It is given by publication of an appropriate notice in one or more local newspapers. The contents of the notice will generally be specified by the Commission (new section 55A(2)). However, new section 55A(2) provides that the notice must always specify the purpose of the application to which it relates, include a description of the land to which it relates and specify the period during which objections to the proposals in the notice may be made and the manner in which they should be made. New section 55A(3) provides that in any case where notification is to be given to a specified person that notification should be in the same form as the public notification.