Section 58 – Appointment of judicial officer
182.Section 58(1) provides that the Commission must make a recommendation to the Lord President to grant an application for a commission as judicial officer where it is satisfied as to the suitability of the person. In taking a decision to make such a recommendation it must also take into account the overall number of judicial officers and any other matters it considers relevant. The person must be a member of the professional association (see section 63(3)). A copy of the decision on an application must be sent to the applicant (subsection (2)). Refusals to recommend the granting of a commission are subject to appeal as set out in section 74(1).
183.The Commission must, following the granting of a commission by the Lord President, issue an official identity card to the judicial officer (subsection (3)). The officer must, when requested, show the identity card when carrying out official duties (subsection (4)).
184.Subsection (5) provides that the Commission may make rules for the procedure for applications to become a judicial officer, the qualifications such a person must hold, the examinations and training to be undertaken before a commission may be granted and any other matters considered to be relevant to applications.