Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007 Explanatory Notes

New section 73J – Automatic release of arrested funds

698.New section 73J provides for a procedure by which a creditor can obtain arrested funds automatically after the expiry of defined period. Where funds are released under this procedure there is no need for an action of furthcoming or for the debtor to grant a mandate to release funds.

699.Subsection (1) states that the automatic release of funds can apply only when the arrestment is an arrestment in execution (even if it originally was an arrestment on the dependence) and it attaches funds held by the arrestee and owing to the debtor.

700.The automatic release of funds under this section is to take place at the end of the period of 14 weeks starting on the date of the service of the schedule of arrestment or (if the arrestment was originally executed on the dependence) the date of service of the copy of the final decree. The arrestee can release the funds before the automatic release period has expired if those with an interest in the attached funds authorise the arrestee to do so, by way of a mandate. Automatic release may be prevented by any of the events mentioned in new section 73L(1).

701.Subsection (4) makes it clear that any references in this section and in sections 73K to 73P (which make provision related to automatic release of funds) to funds or sums due do not include references to funds or sums due in respect of future or contingent debts. As mentioned above at paragraphs 681681 and 682682, future and contingent debts are arrestable. (Ascertainable future debts being arrestable according to the formula set out in section 73E and unascertainable future and contingent debts being arrestable at common law). Accordingly, any arrestment of funds or sums due in respect of future or contingent debts cannot be completed by automatic release. Instead an alternative means of realising the arrestment such as a voluntary mandate or action of furthcoming must be pursued.

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