Section 189 – Final statement of money attachment
628.This section requires a judicial officer to make a statement to the sheriff detailing everything that has happened in the course of the money attachment. The officer has 14 days from the later of the day the creditor was paid under a payment order or the day the last of the money attached was returned to the debtor or a third party under the various provisions of this Part (subsections (1) and (2)).
629.The statement must conform to the form prescribed in court rules and must specify details about any banking instruments, the value of which have been subsequently realised, the amount realised for each instrument, any instrument with a value which has not been realised, any chargeable expenses, any sums paid to the creditor, any surplus paid or instruments returned to the debtor and any balance due to or by the debtor (subsection (4)). If the statement is made electronically it will require an electronically certified signature (see section 198(3)).
630.The officer must submit the statement within the time limit; otherwise the officer may be liable for some or all of the expenses of the money attachment unless there is a reasonable excuse for the delay (subsection (6)). The officer may also be reported to the Scottish Civil Enforcement Commission for misconduct if the statement is late or is not submitted (subsection (7) and see section 67).