Section 3 – Inspections: parasites
13.Section 3 provides for an inspector to carry out inspections of fish farms and shellfish farms for the purposes of ascertaining the levels (if any) of parasites and assessing the measures in place for the prevention, control and reduction of parasites. By virtue of section 12 (Interpretation: Part 1) an inspector is a person authorised by the Scottish Ministers to act as an inspector under the Act whether generally or for a particular purpose. Subsection (3) of section 3 provides that such inspections may include the taking of samples (including samples of or from fish and shellfish), the examination of documents or records, and the taking of copies of such documents or records. Subsection (4) of section 3 permits inspectors to arrange the carrying out of tests on samples taken during an inspection carried out under subsection (1). The tests that may be carried out are those which the inspector considers necessary for the purpose of ascertaining the levels (if any) of parasites and assessing the measures in place for the prevention, control and reduction of parasites.