
Part 5Miscellaneous and General

63Insulation against noise

(1)The authorised undertaker may, after consulting the Council, make a scheme providing for the making of grants towards the cost of insulating buildings, or such classes of buildings as the authorised undertaker may think fit, or any parts of such buildings, against noise caused, or expected to be caused, by the use of the tram system.

(2)The authorised undertaker may make grants in accordance with a scheme under subsection (1).

(3)A scheme under subsection (1)—

(a)shall specify the areas in respect of which grants are payable;

(b)shall make provision as to the persons to whom, the expenditure in respect of which, and the rate at which, the grants are to be paid;

(c)may make the payment of any grant dependent upon compliance with such conditions as may be specified in the scheme;

(d)shall specify a date, not less than two years after first publication of the notice referred to in subsection (5), for the submission of a valid application for a grant; and

(e)shall require the authorised undertaker, in any case where application for a grant is refused, to give at the request of the applicant a written statement of its reasons for the refusal.

(4)A scheme under subsection (1) may make different provisions with respect to different areas or different circumstances and may be varied or revoked by a subsequent scheme under subsection (1) without affecting grants already made.

(5)As soon as possible after the making of a scheme under this section the authorised undertaker shall publish, once at least in each of two successive weeks, in one or more newspapers circulating in the areas to which the scheme relates, a notice stating the general effect of the scheme and specifying a place or places in each such area where a copy of the scheme may be inspected by any person free of charge at all reasonable hours.

(6)A photostatic or other reproduction certified, by a person authorised by the authorised undertaker for that purpose, to be a true reproduction of a page, or part of a page, of any newspaper bearing the date of its publication and containing a notice mentioned in subsection (5) shall be evidence of the publication of the notice and of the date of publication.