Section 7: Strategic Plans
22.The Commission is required by subsection (1) to lay a strategic plan before the Parliament once every four years detailing its proposals for fulfilling the Commission’s general duty. Subsection (7) defines such periods as beginning with the day on which section 2, which describes the Commission’s general duty, comes into force, and each subsequent period of four years thereafter.
23.In terms of subsection (2) the plan must set out the Commission’s objectives and priorities for the period. It must also provide details of any areas of the law the Commission intends to review, and any other activities relating to the Commission’s general duty, alongside a timetable for these activities.
24.Subsection (3) requires the Commission, before laying the strategic plan before the Parliament, to provide draft copies to the Parliamentary corporation and any other person that the Commission considers appropriate, and to invite them to submit comments.
25.Subsection (4) requires the Commission to arrange for the publication of each plan laid before the Parliament.
26.Under subsection (5) the Commission can review the strategic plan at any time and lay a revised plan for the period before the Parliament. Subsection (6) provides that in that event the provisions in subsections (3) to (5) about consultation, publication and review will apply in relation to that revised plan.