Section 35 – Assistance other than from relevant authorities
54.This section will extend powers in the 1947 Act to allow fire authorities to enter into agreements with organisations including those that employ their own fire-fighters. For example, a relevant authority could arrange with an industrial company for their in‑house fire-fighters to provide assistance to the authority outwith the company premises if requested and required. In addition, assistance may be provided by a non fire-fighter if approved by the Chief Officer. For example, a Chief Officer may approve a forestry worker to assist fire-fighters engaged in extinguishing a heathland fire. The cost of this assistance could be reimbursed. These arrangements can also apply to any of the authority’s functions covered by sections 8 to 11, 13 and 61.
55.The arrangements under this section cannot be between two relevant authorities as this type of relationship would be covered by sections 33 and 34.