Section 14 – General functions of Licensing Standards Officers
32.Subsection (1) establishes the general functions of Licensing Standards Officers and those are set out in paragraphs (a) to (c). LSOs do not act as policemen with regard to licensing, but they will liaise with the police and other relevant officials such as environmental health officers in ensuring the licensing objectives are adhered to and solutions found to problems involving licensed premises. LSOs will act as a source of advice and guidance for licensees and for the community; mediate between communities and the trade or between any two parties where there is a need to resolve a local problem and develop a local solution and supervise compliance with licence conditions by the relevant licence holders.
33.Subsection (2) sets out in more detail the power of the LSO to deal with a breach of licence conditions by issuing a written warning to the licence holder and making a referral to the Licensing Board for review of the licence.