175.Subsection (1) inserts a new section 84B after section 84A of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 and gives new powers for Scottish Ministers to form or participate in forming joint ventures for the provision of facilities or services. This will provide the basis for the long term delivery of facilities that meet the needs of local communities, as well as encouraging more joint working, for example between the NHS, local authorities and the voluntary sector.
176.Subsection (1) of 84B defines the nature and extent of the involvement of Scottish Ministers in such companies.
177.Subsection (2) of 84B allows facilities and services to be provided to those persons or bodies exercising functions under the 1978 Act.
178.Subsection (3) of 84B provides the definitions of “companies” and “facilities” as applied under section 31(1).
179.Subsection (2) amends section 7 of the Health and Medicines Act 1988 to give Scottish Ministers powers to exploit intellectual property. The amendment inserts a new subsection (7C) to allow Scottish Ministers to form or participate in forming companies, or to participate in companies. It also allows Ministers to make financial provision to or in respect of companies, including by means of loans, guarantees and investments.
180.Subsection (2) also introduces a new subsection (7D) to the 1988 Act to provide a definition of “companies” for the purpose of subsection (7C), and provides that the new subsection (7C) is without prejudice to the powers already made available in subsection (2).