Section 36: Variation and discharge under section 35: intimation
166.Subsection (1) requires notification of a proposal to discharge a burden under section 35 to all the owners who did not grant the deed. This will include any benefited properties that are not adjacent units (i.e. are outwith the 4 metre distance), any co-owners of adjacent units who did not sign the deed and any owner of an affected unit who did not sign the deed.
167.Subsection (2)provides for the intimation of the notice. A choice may be made to use either (or indeed a mixture of both) of the methods in paragraphs (a) and (b). Individual notification may not always be possible if the extent of the community and therefore of the benefited proprietors is not known. The methods are by either “sending” (as defined in section 124) an individual written notice as set out in schedule 5 or by affixing a conspicuous notice as set out in schedule 6 to a clearly visible part of the burdened property and to lamp posts. Paragraph (c) provides that where it is not possible to display conspicuous notices, intimation requires to be given by newspaper advertisement.
168.Subsection (3)provides for the required details of any advertisement used under subsection 2(c).
169.Subsection (5)adopts the provisions in section 21 on affixing a notice to the burdened property and to the appropriate lamp posts. The words “by virtue of subsection (2)(b)” mean that the date specified is the date specified in the affixed notice required by subsection (2)(b). This requires the notice to be in the form set out in schedule 6 and that form requires the specification of the date on which the period set out in section 37(1) expires. The result is that when reading section 21(6)(a)(ii) for the purposes of a notice affixed in accordance with section 36(2)(b) the reference to renewal date is to be taken as a reference to the date set out in the notice affixed under section 36(2)(b) on which the period set out in section 37(1) expires.