Section 30: Dangerous buildings notices
96.Subsections (1) and (2)set out the purpose of a dangerous building notice and provide for the notice to specify dates by which work to comply with the notice must be start and completed. Subsection (4)creates an offence where an owner has either not started or not completed work by the specified dates and in such cases permits the local authority to carry out the required work and to recover expenses incurred by it from the owner. Subsection (5) provides that no building warrant is required for work to comply with a dangerous building notice and that any work which a local authority may carry out in order to comply with the notice does not require a building warrant, although where the authority carries out the work, it must register in the building standards register a completion certificate certifying that the work has been carried out in accordance with the notice.
97.Subsection (6) makes provision for a local authority to withdraw or amend a dangerous building notice before or after it has taken effect. Subsection (7) provides that a local authority may issue a further such notice even if it has already withdrawn one.