Sections 3 to 13 and schedule 2 – The Risk Management Authority
30.Sections 3 to 13 and schedule 2 provide for the establishment of a new authority to be known as the Risk Management Authority (RMA) and for this authority to be a public body. These sections also confer upon the RMA certain specific statutory functions in relation to the assessment and minimisation of risk posed to the public by offenders and certain accused persons.
31.Sections 3, 12 and 13 provide for the establishment of the RMA as a public body, and for the powers the RMA requires to operate as a public body and to discharge its functions in relation to the assessment and minimisation of risk. The sections also prescribe the RMA’s duties in relation to account keeping and the production of annual reports. Schedule 2 makes provision concerning the constitution etc of the RMA.
32.Sections 4 to 11 set out the RMA’s functions in relation to its broad remit of co-ordinating research and promulgating best practice in the field of risk assessment and the minimisation of risk and in playing a direct part in the management of high risk offenders for whom a risk management plan (RMP) is to be prepared. These functions are :
to develop policy and carry out research in the field of assessment and management of risk posed by offenders;
to monitor research into and promote effective practice in the assessment and minimisation of risk by issuing guidelines and standards and to commission research and pilot schemes in this area;
to administer a scheme of accreditation and provide or secure education and training in relation to those professionals involved in the assessment and minimisation of risk;
to monitor risk management plans for certain classes of offender.