
SCHEDULE 2Accruing resources of the Scottish Administration which may be used without individual limit

Part 2Scottish Executive Development Department

Type of accruing resourcesPurpose
1. Income from the sale of research results and publications; income from deemed hazardous substances consent; other minor miscellaneous incomeExpenditure on miscellaneous Development Department programmes
2. Rents from land and property; Erskine Bridge toll income; income from administering harbours ordersExpenditure on motorways and trunk roads; expenditure on miscellaneous costs in relation to ports and harbours
3. Any sums accruing as a result of the dissolution of Scottish Transport GroupPayments to former members of Scottish Transport Group pensions schemes
4. Recovery of unused grant from voluntary organisationsExpenditure on voluntary sector
5. Capital sums accruing from Scottish HomesRepayments of debt, including debt from Scottish Homes
6. Recovery of grant awarded to councils under the New Housing Partnerships initiative and Community OwnershipRelated housing expenditure
7. Income from local authorities in respect of right to buy salesExpenditure on housing
8. Receipts from local authorities arising out of housing stock transfersRepayment of local authority housing debt and associated costs

Overall amount: £44,870,000