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SCHEDULE 1SThe Scottish Administration

(introduced by section 1)

PurposeAmount of resources other than accruing resourcesType of accruing resourcesAmount of accruing resources
1. For use by the Scottish Ministers (through the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department) on market support; support for agriculture in special areas including crofting communities; rural development, agri-environmental and farm woodland measures; compensation to sheep producers; animal health; agricultural education; advisory, research and development services; botanical and scientific services; assistance to production, marketing and processing; administration, land management and other agricultural services; assistance to the Scottish fisheries sector; fishery protection; other services including fisheries research and development and special services; natural heritage;[F1pension contributions;] environment protection;[F2sustainable development;] rural affairs; other environmental expenditure; flood prevention; coastal protection; air quality monitoring; loans to Scottish Water and other water grants (including the Water and Sewerage Charges Reduction scheme)[F3£1,161,549,000]Sale of surplus land, buildings and equipment; sale of holdings to existing tenants; repayment of loans by Scottish Water[F4£68,056,000]
2. For use by the Scottish Ministers (through the Scottish Executive Development Department) on housing subsidies; Communities Scotland and financial support for Scottish Homes; new housing partnerships and community ownerships; sponsorship of Energy Action Scotland; repayment of debt and any associated costs; other expenditure, contributions and grants relating to housing; departmental research and publicity and other central services; sites for travelling people; residual grants to housing associations; F5... certain other transport services and grants; grants for the Social Inclusion Partnership Fund and other services; other urban regeneration initiatives; F6... other sundry services in connection with the environment; grants to voluntary organisations and other costs associated with the voluntary sector; expenditure relating to equality issues[F7charity law regulations];[F8Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator][F9£1,306,128,000]Sale of property, land and equipment; repayment of loans[F10£100]
3. For use by the Scottish Ministers (through the Scottish Executive Education Department) on schools; F11... childcare; associated social work services including the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care and the Scottish Social Services Council; educational development; research and promotion; training and development of teachers; curriculum development; international and other educational services, including support for School Boards, training, research and educational technology; HM Inspectors of Education; sport; community education; support for the cultural heritage of Scotland, including the Gaelic language; tourism; arts, libraries, museums and galleries, including purchase grants; cultural activities and organisations; historic buildings and monuments (including administration); architecture; publicity; indemnities; administration; central government grants to non departmental public bodies and local authorities[F12£654,380,000]Sale of surplus land, buildings and equipment[F13£1,199,000]
4. For use by the Scottish Ministers (through the Scottish Executive Enterprise[F14, Transport] and Lifelong Learning Department) on grant in aid for the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council, the Scottish Further Education Funding Council, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise; funding for the Student Awards Agency for Scotland for the Student Loans Scheme and related costs; Regional Selective Assistance grants and sundry enterprise and lifelong learning related activities[F15; European Structural Fund grants to public corporations, non-departmental public bodies, local authorities and other bodies and organisations; roads and certain associated services, including the acquisition of land, lighting and road safety; assistance to local transport; support for transport services in the highlands and islands; piers and harbours; grant aid to British Waterways Board in respect of Scotland’s inland waterways; funding for most of the rail services in Scotland; other rail grants; certain other transport services and grants; expenditure relating to Highlands and Islands Airports Limited and the privatisation of the Scottish Bus Group; grants to local authorities forming part of the Strathclyde Passenger Transport Area; miscellaneous costs in relation to ports and harbours; payments to former members of Scottish Transport Group pension schemes][F16£3,837,389,000]Repayment of voted loans (capital) by Scottish Enterprise[F17and Caledonian MacBrayne; the repayment of Student Loans; and sale of property, land and equipment; repayment of loans][F18£36,166,000]
5. For use by the Scottish Ministers (through the Scottish Executive Health Department) on hospital and community health services, including the clinical negligence and other risks scheme; family health services; community care;[F19payments to Inland Revenue;] grants to local authoritiesand voluntary organisations; social care; welfare food; the Scottish Drugs Challenge Fund; repayments of originating capital debt; other health services[F20£5,911,387,000]Sale of land, buildings, vehicles, equipment and property and repayments of public dividend capital[F21£120,000,000]
6. For use by the Scottish Ministers (through the Scottish Executive Justice Department) on legal aid (including administration); criminal injuries compensation (including administration); certain services relating to crime including the Parole Board for Scotland; the Scottish Prison Service; the Scottish Prisons Complaints Commission; the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission; police services (including grants to local authorities) and superannuation of police on secondment; fire services (including Scottish Fire Service Training School and superannuation); civil defence (including grants); invest-to-save budget and other protective and miscellaneous services; community justice services including probation and supervised attendance orders; grants to voluntary organisations; court services, including judicial pensions; the Accountant in Bankruptcy; certain legal services; costs and fees in connection with legal proceedings[F22£1,204,084,000]Sale of police vehicles; sale of prison land, buildings, staff quarters, vehicles, equipment and property[F23£546,000]
7. For use by the Scottish Ministers on administrative costs and operational costs; costs of providing continuing services to the Scottish Parliament; costs associated with the functions of the Queen’s Printer for Scotland[F24£238,313,000]Income from sale of surplus capital assets£4,063,000
8. For use by the Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages for Scotland (through the General Register Office for Scotland) on administrative costs and operational costs[F25£9,225,000]
9. For use by the Scottish Ministers and the Keeper of the Records of Scotland (through the National Archives of Scotland) on administrative costs; acquiring record material; support for the Scottish and European Archive Network; The Acts of Parliament; conservation grants to local archives; grant to the Business Archives Council of Scotland[F26£10,856,000]
10. For use by the Scottish Ministers (through the Scottish Executive Finance and Central Services Department) on pensions, allowances, gratuities etc payable in respect of the teachers' and national health service pension schemes; running and capital costs of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency; revenue support grants and payment of non-domestic rates in Scotland; special grants relating to council tax and spend-to-save scheme; other services including payments under the Bellwin scheme covering floods, storms and other emergencies; expenditure on committees, commissions and other departmental services; F27... grants to the Civic Forum; expenditure in connection with external relations initiatives; expenditure in relation to modernising government[F28£10,180,845,000]
11. For use by the Lord Advocate (through the Crown Office and the Procurator Fiscal Service) on administrative costs, including fees paid to temporary procurators fiscal, witness expenses and other costs associated with Crown prosecutionsF29...[F30£88,793,000][F31sale of assets][F32£10,000]

Textual Amendments