Part 1 SAccess rights

Chapter 6SGeneral and miscellaneous provisions

28Judicial determination of existence and extent of access rights and rights of wayS

(1)It is competent, on summary application made to the sheriff, for the sheriff—

(a)to declare that the land specified in the application is or, as the case may be, is not land in respect of which access rights are exercisable;

(b)to declare—

(i)whether a person who has exercised or purported to exercise access rights has exercised those rights responsibly for the purposes of section 2 above;

(ii)whether the owner of land in respect of which access rights are exercisable is using, managing or conducting the ownership of the land in a way which is, for the purposes of section 3 above, responsible.

(2)It is competent, on summary application made to the sheriff, for the sheriff to declare whether a path, bridleway or other means of crossing land specified in the application is, or is not, a right of way by foot, horseback, pedal cycle or any combination of those.

(3)The proceedings for a declaration under subsection (1) or (2) above are those for an action of declarator initiated by summary application to the sheriff.

(4)A summary application for a declaration shall be served on the local authority.

(5)The local authority are entitled to be a party to proceedings for a declaration.

(6)Where the person seeking a declaration is the owner of the land, it is not necessary to serve the application on any person but the local authority.

(7)In any other case, the person seeking the declaration shall serve the application on the owner of the land.

(8)Rules of court shall provide—

(a)for the circumstances in which (including any time periods within which) a summary application may be made for the purposes of this section;

(b)for public notice of the making of summary applications for the purposes of this section;

(c)for enabling persons interested in the exercise of access rights over specific land or, as the case may be, in the existence of a right of way over specific land and persons or bodies representative of such persons to be parties to the proceedings;

(d)for limiting the number of persons and bodies who may be such parties.

(9)This section is without prejudice to any remedy otherwise available in respect of rights conferred and duties imposed by or under this Part of this Act.

29Powers to protect natural and cultural heritage etc.S

(1)Scottish Natural Heritage may put up and maintain notices for the purposes of protecting the natural heritage of land in respect of which access rights are exercisable.

(2)The Scottish Ministers may put up and maintain notices for the purposes of protecting the cultural heritage of land in respect of which access rights are exercisable.

(3)Any notice put up under subsection (1) or (2) above may warn persons of any adverse effect that their presence on the land or any activities they might conduct there might have on the natural or, as the case may be, cultural heritage sought to be protected.

30Existing byelaws providing for public access to landS

It is the duty of every person, body or authority having power under any enactment to make byelaws which may provide for or relate to public access to land in respect of which access rights are exercisable and which is owned or managed by that person, body or authority—

(a)within 2 years of the coming into force of this section, to review those of its byelaws which so provide or relate and are in force at the time of the review; and

(b)to modify any of those byelaws which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act (including any made under it) as they apply to that land so as to make them consistent.

31Application of sections 14 and 15 to rights of wayS

Sections 14 and 15 above apply in relation to rights of way by foot, horseback, pedal cycle or any combination of those as they apply in relation to access rights.

32Interpretation of Part 1S

In this Part of this Act—