
SCHEDULE 1The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

Part 1Membership, proceedings etc.

Remuneration, pensions, allowances etc.

6The Commission shall pay—

(a)to its members (and to the members of its committees and sub-committees who are not members of the Commission) such remuneration and allowances—

(i)on such terms; and

(ii)subject to such conditions,

as the Scottish Ministers may determine;

(b)to, or in respect of, persons who have been a member of it (or such members of committees and sub-committees as are mentioned in paragraph (a) above) such pensions, allowances and gratuities—

(i)on such terms; and

(ii)subject to such conditions,

as the Scottish Ministers may determine; or

(c)to any person who ceases, other than on the expiry of a term of office, to be a member of it, such compensation as the Scottish Ministers may determine.