
Part 18Miscellaneous

Parental relations

278Duty to mitigate adverse effect of compulsory measures on parental relations

(1)Subsection (2) below applies—


(i)a child is subject to any measures authorised by virtue of this Act or authorised, in consequence of the child’s mental disorder, by virtue of the 1995 Act; and

(ii)the measures will or will be likely to impair the personal relations or diminish direct contact between the child and any person with parental responsibilities in relation to the child; or


(i)a person with parental responsibilities in relation to a child is subject to any measures authorised by virtue of this Act or authorised, in consequence of the person’s mental disorder, by virtue of the 1995 Act; and

(ii)the measures will or will be likely to impair the personal relations or diminish direct contact between that person and the child.

(2)Every person having functions by virtue of this Act which include responsibility for the administration of any of the measures mentioned in subsection (1) above shall take such steps as are practicable and appropriate to mitigate the impairment or diminution referred to in that subsection or, as the case may be, the likelihood of that impairment or diminution.

(3)In this section, “child” and “parental responsibilities” have the same meanings as they have in Part I of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 (c. 36).