Marriage (Scotland) Act 2002 Explanatory Notes

Parliamentary History of Marriage (Scotland) Act 2002

The following table sets out, for each Stage of the proceedings in the Scottish Parliament on the Bill for this Act, the dates on which proceedings at that Stage took place, the references to the Official Report of those proceedings and the dates on which Committee Reports were published and the references to those Reports.

Proceedings and ReportsReference
13th November 2001SP Bill 41 (Session 1)
Stage 1
(a) Local Government Committee
31st Meeting, 200127th November 2001, cols. 2417-2454
17th Report 2001 (21st December 2001): Stage 1 Report on the Marriage (Scotland) BillSP Paper486
(b) Subordinate Legislation Committee
34th Meeting, 20014th December2001, col. 685
35th Meeting, 200111th December 2001, cols. 695-705
(c) Justice 2 Committee
32nd Meeting, 200120th November 2001, cols. 648-650
(d) Justice 1 Committee
31st Meeting, 200121stNovember 2001, col. 2861
(e) Consideration by the Parliament
17th January 2002cols. 5547 -5574
Stage 2
Local Government Committee
5th Meeting, 20025th February 2002, cols. 2782 - 2786
Stage 3
(a) Subordinate Legislation Committee
(27th February 2002): Report on Marriage (Scotland) Bill As Amended At Stage 2 Delegated Powers ScrutinySP Paper 522
(b) Consideration by the Parliament
27th February 2002cols. 9720 - 9733
Royal Assent – 4th April 2002

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