SCHEDULE 1S Social care not ordinarily charged for

1SAs regards the personal hygiene of the person cared for—


(b)cleaning teeth (whether or not they are artificial) by means of a brush or dental floss and (in the case of artificial teeth) by means of soaking;

(c)providing assistance in rinsing the mouth;

(d)keeping finger nails and toe nails trimmed;

(e)assisting the person with going to the toilet or with using a bedpan or other receptacle;

(f)where the person is fitted with a catheter or stoma, providing such assistance as is requisite to ensure cleanliness and that the skin is kept in a favourable hygienic condition;

(g)where the person is incontinent—

(i)the consequential making of the person’s bed and consequential changing and laundering of the person’s bedding and clothing; and

(ii)caring for the person’s skin to ensure that it is not adversely affected.