Section 3 – Functions of the Commissioner
15.This section is based on section 68 of the 1994 Act as amended by the 1999 Act. Subsection (1) requires the Commissioner to investigate complaints about Scottish Water made by its current, potential or former customers (in respect of its core functions). Such complaints can be made direct to the Commissioner or through the Customer Panels, which are required to pass any complaints on to the Commissioner (subsection (2)). The Commissioner need not investigate any complaint which is not pursued with Scottish Water or which he judges is vexatious or frivolous (subsection (3)). The Commissioner can make representations to Scottish Water on behalf of a complainer (subsection (4)).
16.Subsection (5) places a new duty on the Commissioner to report back to a Customer Panel on any complaint referred to the Commissioner by the Panel under subsection (2), either by providing a report on the investigation the Commissioner has carried out or by giving the Panel reasons why the Commissioner decided not to investigate such a complaint.
17.Subsection (6) gives the Commissioner a duty to advise the Scottish Ministers on any matter that appears to relate to Scottish Water’s standards of service or the manner in which it conducts its customer relations (in respect of its core functions).
18.Subsection (7) gives the Commissioner a general ancillary power to do anything that may aid the exercise of the functions of the Commissioner.