Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000 Explanatory Notes

  • Explanatory Notes Table of contents
  1. Introduction

  2. The Act

  3. Commentary on Sections

    1. Surveillance

      1. Section 1:  Conduct to which this Act applies

    2. Surveillance Commissioners

      1. Section 2:  Surveillance Commissioners

      2. Section 3:  Assistant Surveillance Commissioners

      3. Section 4:  Delegation of Commissioner’s functions

    3. Authorisation of surveillance and human intelligence sources

      1. Section 5:  Lawful surveillance etc.

      2. Sections 6, 7 and 8:  Authorisation of directed surveillance;  Authorisation of covert human intelligence sources;  and Persons entitled to grant authorisations under sections 6 and 7

      3. Section 9:  Special provision for the Scottish Crime Squad

      4. Section 10:  Authorisation of intrusive surveillance

      5. Section 11:  Rules for grant of authorisations

      6. Section 12:  Grant of authorisations in cases of emergency

      7. Section 13:  Notification of authorisations for intrusive surveillance

      8. Section 14:  Approval required for authorisations to take effect

      9. Section 15:  Quashing of authorisations etc.

      10. Section 16:  Appeals against decisions by Surveillance Commissioners

      11. Section 17:  Appeals to the Chief Surveillance Commissioner:  supplementary

      12. Section 18: Information to be provided to Surveillance Commissioners

    4. Grant, renewal and duration of authorisations

      1. Section 19:  General rules about grant, renewal and duration

      2. Section 20:  Cancellation of authorisations

    5. Chief Surveillance Commissioner

      1. Section 21:  Functions of Chief Surveillance Commissioner

      2. Section 22:  Co-operation with and reports by Commissioner

    6. Complaints by Aggrieved Persons

      1. Section 23:  Complaints to the Tribunal

    7. Codes of practice

      1. Section 24:  Issue and revision of codes of practice

      2. Section 25:  Interim codes of practice

      3. Section 26:  Effect of codes of practice

    8. Supplementary provisions

      1. Section 27:  Power to extend or modify authorisation provisions

      2. Section 28:  Orders and regulations

      3. Section 29:  Financial provision

      4. Section 30:  General saving for lawful conduct

      5. Section 31:  Interpretation

      6. Section 32:  Short title and commencement

  4. Parliamentary History

  • Explanatory Notes Table of contents

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