Section 21 — Compensation for refusal of scheduled monument consent or grant of consent subject to conditions
82.Section 21 makes provision, subject to certain conditions, for the payment of compensation where a person with an interest in a monument suffers loss or damage if scheduled monument consent is refused or granted subject to conditions.
83.Subsection (7) identifies two matters to be considered in the calculation of the amount of loss or damage consisting of depreciation of the value of an interest in land (meaning the extent to which the value of the interest is effectively diminished by the limitations on works imposed by the refusal of scheduled monument consent or its grant subject to conditions).
It is to be assumed that any subsequent application for scheduled monument consent for works of a similar description would be determined by the Welsh Ministers in the same way.
In the case of a refusal of consent, if the Welsh Ministers, on refusing that consent, undertook to grant consent for other works affecting the monument if an application were made, that undertaking should be taken into account. An undertaking might allow for some other viable use of the land, thereby reducing the depreciation for the purposes of calculating the amount of compensation payable.