83Index of expressions defined in this Act

The Table below lists provisions in this Act that define or otherwise explain expressions used in this Act.



Relevant provision

adopted curriculum (“cwricwlwm mabwysiedig”)

(in Chapter 1 of Part 2)

section 9(3)

(in Chapters 3 and 4 of Part 2)

section 26(4)

appropriate progression (“cynnydd priodol”)

section 7(2) and (3)

area of learning and experience (“maes dysgu a phrofiad”)

section 3(1)

assessment arrangements (“trefniadau asesu”) (in Part 4)

section 56(2)

class (“dosbarth”)

section 82(1)

community school (“ysgol gymunedol”)

section 79(2)

community special school (“ysgol arbennig gymunedol”)

section 79(2)

course of study (“cwrs astudio”)

sections 25(5) and 68(2)

encompass (“cwmpasu”)

(in relation to an area of learning and experience)

section 6(2) and (3)

(in relation to the mandatory element of Relationships and Sexuality Education)

section 8(2) and (3)

foundation school (“ysgol sefydledig”)

section 79(2)

four purposes (“pedwar diben”)

section 2(1)

funded non-maintained nursery education (“addysg feithrin a gyllidir ond nas cynhelir”)

section 80(1)(a)

local authority (“awdurdod lleol”) (in relation to a pupil referral unit)

section 81(2)(a)

local authority that secures funded non-maintained nursery education (“awdurdod lleol sy’n sicrhau addysg feithrin a gyllidir ond nas cynhelir”)

section 80(2)(b)

maintained nursery school (“ysgol feithrin a gynhelir”)

section 79(1)(b)

maintained school (“ysgol a gynhelir”)


section 79(1)(a)

(in Part 5)

section 58(2)(a)

management committee (“pwyllgor rheoli”) (in relation to a pupil referral unit)

section 81(2)(b)

mandatory cross-curricular skill (“sgìl trawsgwricwlaidd mandadol”)

section 4(1)

mandatory element (“elfen fandadol”)

section 3(2)

modify (“addasu”)

section 82(1)

nursery education (“addysg feithrin”)

section 80(1)(b)

Progression Code (“Cod Cynnydd”)

section 7(1)

provider of funded non-maintained nursery education (“darparwr addysg feithrin a gyllidir ond nas cynhelir”)

section 80(2)(a)

pupil referral unit (“uned cyfeirio disgyblion”)

section 81(1)

regulations (“rheoliadau”)

section 82(1)

relevant curriculum (“cwricwlwm perthnasol”) (in Part 4)

section 56(5)

relevant person (“person perthnasol”) (in Part 4)

section 56(4)

relevant school year (“blwyddyn ysgol berthnasol”)

section 31(5)

RSE Code (“Cod ACRh”)

section 8(1)

school (“ysgol”)

(in Chapter 1 of Part 2)

section 9(2)

(in Chapters 3 and 4 of Part 2)

section 26(3)

section 13 curriculum (“cwricwlwm adran 13”)

section 13(1)

voluntary aided school (“ysgol wirfoddol a gynorthwyir”)

section 79(2)

voluntary controlled school (“ysgol wirfoddol a reolir”)

section 79(2)

voluntary school (“ysgol wirfoddol”)

section 79(2)

What Matters Code (“Cod yr Hyn sy’n Bwysig”)

section 6(1)